My dearest friend.

An unimaginative product of Prince;
many say we look like twins,
She floats in a filmy world,
with a voice of sweet bird;
Enriching herself with a musical database,
Can answer to any wonderful maze.

A naive woman of beauty,
helping others is her first duty;
Warms up people with a smile,
And itz vibrancy reaches up a mile;
Gets calls more than a BPO,
Lends her ears to your woe.

Made glass bangles as her identity,
And brought it back to city.
Cricket & dravid in her tips,
Mumuring songs of Karthick in lips.
A chirpy woman of enthusiasm,
This is how I define her.
With a name short enough to call
And a person sweet enough to have as a friend.

Too much hooked up with these so called poems.So jst taking a short time break with this one to fulfill my friend's request.


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