Traffic-cops and Bribe

We Indians always have this habit of portraying the traffic police as bad guys, since they demand bribe. But how many of us accept the fact that, in most cases (lets say 90%), he's demading bribe, since we broke the law. How many of us have the courage, to stand up and say that i'ld pay the fine instead of bribing him. Till today, I havent bribed a traffic cop. Even at times when i was caught for running past thr' RED signals, exceeding speed, i'ld insist paying the fine, and they let me go.

Many times, I had scoffed at them, as they demand meagre amount such as 30-50Rs.It might sound a bit cheap, on their part, but the reality is that their financial condition is in such a bad state. I'm sure that their monthly pay would not be more than 7-8K, with no incentives. And even if he's uncorrupt, a traffic constable doesnt have the authority to fine; only a traffic seargent has the rights. So that being the case, the only way to punish the traffic voilaters is to bug them. Most guys demand bribe, while the rest just hold u for sometime, before letting u free.

So the best solution to stop corruption, and also impart strict traffic rules is to give the constables enough power to fine the voilaters on site, and the govt should also provide cops incentives based on the number of cases they file. Instead of just bragging about 'cops should not take bribe' and 'no one follows traffic rules', the govt should take a constructive solution to solve this problem: give incentives to cops, based on the revenue they generate.

Actually the cops I met today made me blog abt this .He stopped our car and saw me driving and checked evry single paper of our car .He let us go relunctantly as evrything was perfect and had no other option other than letting us go.


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