What has gotten into me :-)

O me, what eyes hath Love put in my head, 

Which have no correspondence with true sight!

Or, if they have, where is my judgment fled,

That censures falsely what they see aright?

Now what has gotten into me. I don't know. I read " Mid Summer Night's Dream" sometimes (many times) when I want a brain less reading material. I love this play that Shakespeare had written because of the simplicity of the scheming which goes in there and all the funny names of the fairies and their helpers.

So this is a part of sonnet attached to that play and I always feel truly connected to these words. What we see might not be what it is and sometimes though our brain knows that it is not correct, but eyes tells something else to brain and muddles up judgements.

Am in a similar predicament. Now to put it in words, yeah .... makes it difficult. Don't we all at times fight out this inner muddle which has no sense or sensibility to it and still there seems to be no way to be out of it. I sometimes have too many small such muddles running in at same time but never do I let one gain strength and when it does it puts me in quandary.

Sometimes when I do some research while writing here, I end up with a Eureka moment and I was hoping for a similar miracle when I was reading my favorite Shakespearen play. But no avail today.

They that have power to hurt and will do none,

That do not do the thing they most do show,


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