Doctor to Designer

We started with Doctor (isn't it that a noble profession that all of us wanted to do as a child)

 Then we moved to Doctor in Space( This is the period when we were doing the summer camps about Space)

            And now it is Designer (Dress Designer to be exact)

This is  my own Dewy I am talking about. This is 8 year old status.

I remember vaguely that I was pretty directionless till my 10th and then one thing got cleared that "Oh crap, I hate biology". So that just took away one option. Then I fell in love with computers and by the process of elimination, I fell into Engineering as my stream.

I really hope Dewy has it all figured out better than what I did with my life. 

I would help her in whatever way she needs,  to do what her heart desires. With all her love towards math I was hoping for something different , but Fashion Designer. Sighhhhh....  I have work cut out for me.


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