Few toasts to my friends

I would like to raise toasts to few people!!!!

It was my friend’s birthday yesterday and after many years of messing the plans, I made it this time. Every year her birthday plans will go on hay fire and this time unexpectedly it went on well.

Happy Birthday Vishnu Priya!!!!

My friends Jagadish and Barath are going to their respective offices from this Monday. No more leisure and sleepy days for those busy bees.

Cheers to both of them!!!!

All the Best for the future Jagadish and Barath.

It was Barath’s treat yesterday and his meticulous plans worked out very well. We really enjoyed the day and food. It was after long time we had a chance to be together.

Thanks Barath.


Unknown said…
welcum jan...i shld thank u all for givin me a gr8 company...
Jaggy said…
Yeah.... It was simply superb...
Serendipity said…
Get togethers are alwaz fun:) esp when they r for some special reason:)
Unknown said…
Treat pathi sollave illa... hmmm..guys u r lucky... he din treat me :(

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