Trails to rescue

 Dewy and I did our fair share of trail walking and climbing rugged (as rugged as we  can manage) mountains last summer.

Last year presented its own challenges and one being no roaming in summers. Winters anyway we are bound to home. So we found a new venue to burn our energy that's walking/hiking or sometimes us just heaving through the less trodden paths

Dewy (infact for a lazybones) did a good amount of walking and she took it in stride(certainly pun intended)

One thing that we rocked is, we climbed a 4 mile hike with her. She did whine a little at the 3rd mile, but nothing deterred her to climb some 1000 feet. This trail was listed as strenuous.

But I think it is a new love that we found together. I love to spend that time with nature instead of looking into screens and I felt we at least spend some time together like this and talk to each other. 

Recently I have had this feeling that we don't talk much. It is part of teenagism coming my way. But since it is very weird to not have incessant chatter around. 

I really love to have some meaningful conversations than this "My Little Pony" that is running now in our lives.

So hopes that the next summer also opens up new trails and get us hiking and talking more. After all Dewy is my best friend. 🙌


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