Mad Rush to Jewellery Shops
Yadevi Sarva Bootheshu Lakshmi Rupena Samastita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha. The new trend in Chennai, a valid reason to buy gold, a method to invest money before the prices increases-the other reasons given to this festive. The jewellers keep introducing many offers like price reduction, advance booking and what not for this festive. How many of you know the real reason behind this festival????? This festival is celebrated by two important religious groups. Akshaya tritiya or Akshaya Trutiya Festival is a very well known festival and popular festival of Jain peoples of India. Akshya tritiya festival is celebrate on the third month of the Vaishakha.The Bhagwan Rishabdev performed the Parana (completion of an austerity) on the day of akshya tritiya after fasting for one year continuously. Many people perform the austerity of Varsity complete the austerity on this day by taking sugar cane juice in the cool shadow of Shatrunjay. Akshaya tritiya festival is observed i...