One person I am ever indebted to

My mom

All these years , even today I don't see her relaxing or complaining of her health. All my years that I remember, I have seen her running pillar to post to make sure me and our home had its best. 

She has my pillar of support. My bad days, My good days- She has been part of all it. Even when I am in my worst moments, she has been with me.

Why this post? You may ask.  Dewy triggered something in me yesterday.

 There was a small kismish between us and I felt little betrayed that Dewy didn't bother much about my how I care about her and was little too self centered. It made me feel (a tinge) that it really doesn't matter to my daughter how I take care of her and all she cares is what she does. All the well meaning genes in me says that it is temporary and that's how most kids are and it is my responsibility to teach her to care(will get there slowly).

Then was thinking through night that if I have ever made my mom feel like that.  I am no where near her when it comes to being generous and ever giving (and not asking anything back). And it still hurts when kids do that. I was thinking either Karma is giving back to me in Golden Platter or it is just me having yet another to be taught moment.

But let me say it out loud in case karma has more in store for me. I am forever thankful to you mom not just for me but also for being with Dewy in her early phases of life. She is all what you have imbibed to her

Dewy- I will do better job to show you how to not be this self centered (atleast not always).


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