First Jobless Period

In the last decade, I have never been jobless. This is the first time, I nothing to do. 

Before you think something drastically,  I am in forced vacation do to visa restrictions. I have always taken work as my release mechanism. All my problems, worries and insecurities would go away when I work.

My friends call me workaholic, may be its my way to find sanity 

So now , one week of no work, I imagined that it would drive me to front of therapist door faster. But to my surprise I enjoyed it-The time off. No pressure, no deadlines, multitude of other things tied to job. Obviously I found 100 other things at home to fix and  shop but it felt good. 

I am now very seriously thinking about fact that I need to take such breaks at times to bring down craziness. My toughest of toughest periods were easily crushed by work that didn't leave me an ounce of energy to think or even worry. Now if I am enjoying a break.. boy was I surprised.

Or is it just my 30s going 40s now telling me that it's okay.. take it slow. 

This rambling at this point is probably me getting curious/worried/cautious/insane on a topic that doesn't even make sense.

Probably when I read this post back in my 60s I might wonder.. why the heck I was worrying so early 🤣🤣


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