
Blame our parents!!!  Woah!!! Strong topic!!! Cringe worthy

I was just wondering( which I am doing a lot these days ) that how much it is imbibed into our head that a woman needs her man.

So back ground on it. Was out to check out an armoire and it was evening. Since sun sets later these days and hence 6.30 in evening is not that late, I was out at that time. 

It became cloudy, dark and for no sensible reason I was feeling insecure which wasn't the case when it was sunny.

I am sure people can relate to what I am talking. If you have someone sitting with you at that moment; it does makes you feel secure. Though I hate to point out that unless the person is Bruce Lee or any of our Bollywood heroes who has fight off villains (sometimes with a look) ; it is of no use.

So I took it to mission to teach Dewy to be independent, and never ever feel insecure in her own skin.  And I feel it is important as I see where are going; that she necessarily might not have me around for long and since she doesn't have siblings , she is going to fend for herself.
  • I stand by Dewy on some of her decisions and wait for her to realize that decision wasn't right for her and teach to face the repercussions. I always believe that it takes a brave person to understand the mistake and change the course of life.
  • I tell her to sometimes give back to her friends who think it is okay to ride on her as she is meek
  • Like most of us, change is not something she likes. Be it in her schedule, her food or the way she meets people. I have been asking her to let go of that rigid structure and bend a little to wiggle around the people
  • I tell her some of my real life instances where I felt scared and what she would do in that situation.

These might not be that big a change, but at least baby steps towards a bigger goal.


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