Atlast my Joining date

TCS people got fed up with our calls and mails flooding their inboxes and decided to inform us our joining date.Yesterday I got my call letter from them for ILP[So-called-Initial Learning Program] So I will be joining TCS on 23rd November and my training will be at Trivandrum. Atleast now I need not smile sheepishly and say Dunno when I am asked about joining..... :-)


Unknown said…
Congrats.. and have a great career ahead..
Manoj said…
Finally, here is the fruit for all your efforts... I guess you landed your dream job now...


You deserve this & I'm sure you have a great life ahead!!!

CHEERS BUDDY, Well Done!!!
Unknown said…
all the best....
Janani said…
@ All
Thanks a lot
Serendipity said…
enjoy the ILP:) working and learning with friends wud surely be fun:)
Amarnath said…
hai bud ...congrats for ur ILP....can i know the ilp...mail too placed in TCS and waiting for DOJ
Unknown said…
hi plz tell me which coll ur from? so that i can guess my doj also..
Anonymous said…
hi can i know form which colg r u??? im waiting for date of joining...
Anonymous said…
hi can i know form which colg r u??? im waiting for date of joining...

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