A school I would love to be with…
RISHI VALLEY EDUCATION CENTRE CHITTOOR DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH - 517352 INDIA TEL: 91-8571-280044/280086/280582/280622 EMAIL: OFFICE@RISHIVALLEY.ORG Read about this school in “The Hindu” today. I just got amazed by the facts and decided to look into this matter and googled about it. I ended up in reading about this wonderful school and thought it needs a place in my blog… Rishi Valley Education Centre is run by Krishnamurti Foundation India. It is located in a sheltered valley in the interior of rural Andhra Pradesh, which is located in a drought-prone area, the hill slopes were once sparse in vegetation and the valley floor dotted with an occasional banyan or tamarind tree. The site of the school, chosen by Krishnamurti for its remarkable atmosphere of peace and serenity, is an undulating landscape of fields, rain-fed streams and scattered villages, surrounded by ancient granite hills with striking rock formations. Years of sustained reforestation and water conservation ...