Life at the edge of needles

On those golden days, long long ago, once upon a time all you need to step out of house was a decent dress, and neat presentation and some perfume.

Nowadays this new addition to face in the form of mask, has brought in its own set of comical trouble

I can't count the number is times I have left house in all josh only to come back in to get a mask within next few minutes
I left doing upper lip as it is covered by mask; so the days at home I sport a well oiled tache 
We color coordinate masks between mother daughter Duo and walk around as if anyone really cares about it

So in the decision to step forward towards covid free world , I went and took my vaccine. Now all my friends had taken and I was ready for it
- cooked enough food to feed 1.5 stomach at home
- planned easy lunch box for Dewy
- told ofc that I might be little off due to low RAM 

And now 8 hrs after vaccine- have sore arms(expected) and little laziness( almost my second nature) # my friends enquire and ask to take rest
After sound night sleep- first thing I do is to test for fever.  Nope.  Quite normal.  I think that's its not 24 hrs yet. (As if body runs on clock). Wash vessels also thinking if fever comes I don't have to touch water and now waiting.# friends enquire and now they are getting frustrated because there is nothing to ask me about. One even suggested that people got in 30 hrs
After 30 hrs- None. Nada. Usual day. #Friends stopped asking. Though one genuinely felt bad that I had good constitution)

So when you are over prepared this is what happens. 


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