Guilt Ridden

Have you ever noticed all these mommies who work? Heard them talk. It would mostly revolve around their kid. Long ago, I used to wonder why they don't find any other topics to talk about.

Now I realize it is not the lack of topic that is driving this discussion.

A normal day @ home.

- Wake up grudgingly (especially if you are not a morning person)
- Start cooking
- Wake up the kid
- Rush to bathroom and scold them to fasten up process
- Dress them up
- Push as much as breakfast possible
- Scold them for not eating properly
- Get out of house in a mad rush to catch school bus
- Sigh of relief!!
- Ohh Hoo.. Not over.... Finish Cooking
- Bath and get ready to beat the traffic and reach office
- Deal mails, escalations, management and people (not specifically in this order)
- Come back home, get the books out. Face it ( A ton of homework)
- Fix dinner and gobble it
- Check the gadgets and back to bed.

This is typically a day I have and I am sure most of us have with little variations. 

The lack of time to talk to kids, except to scold them and push them is the reason half of mommies talk about kids in office. Bingo!!!

But then why are we so guilt ridden, In a world where everything is measured and compared against, sometimes it is us who keep that invisible goal to us and always try to match up to others.

After being in this cat race for long, I decided to be reasonable. Not always aim to touch the silver lining.

It makes lives easier and little in control. Moreover for the over achievers it takes a lot of conscious effort to cut slack at some place. 

- At times if chapati is burnt, have learnt to not grudge about cooking skills
- If Dewy doesn't win some competition, that I slogged to teach, " Let it gooooooo...."
- If my deck doesn't match up to my counterpart and my manager chooses to take his over mine, SMILE and learn what was missing

I want to stop being guilty of not performing exceptionally well. I will do my best to be good and that stays there.


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