Happy New Year 2008!!!

A New Year, a new start and a new life… Wishing you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!

I am just peeping in here months later… Hope this New Year gives me enough time to start my bugging here.

Thought will collect few sweet memories of 2007.

Year started with a bash, probably the best New Year Eve I have celebrated.
A huge cake and half wasted on faces. Loads of silly games… And hours and hours of talking…. All happened in my training period

Got posting to Chennai and my parents were happy about it.

Was assigned to an amazing team and the work was so enjoyable.

And so on and on….

Finally now at the end of the year with a change in my status from Single to Committed, 2008 has dawned with fun and happiness.

Hope 2008 would bring luck and all the happiness we wish for!!!!


Phani said…
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year and all the very best for another important beginning.
golmaalgopal said…
Belated wishes !!!

Single ---> committed, I noticed dat ;) Cool!!!

Have a great yr ahead....
Unknown said…
belated wishes.. :) And happy pongal. :)
Serendipity said…
ATB and congrats :)
sajith90 said…
Very Good Blog. Congratulation for Making a blog which got 10,000 hits. Keep it up

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Vijay Krishnan said…
Good postings Janani...and Congrats :-)
Anonymous said…


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