
Once upon a time, long long ago, so long ago I was tagged by Harini. I think next time I meet her without finishing this she would be ready to smack me.[I could see faces brightening up; sorry don’t be so happy she will not do it hopefully]

I was officially declared to be a member of executive council of technologists [Atleast for sake of being declared engineer; I should be proud about it right??] last Saturday. Yeah it was my convocation. We just attended the function for the first half of the day and made plans for the rest. I didn’t even know who the chief guest was.

Let me not deviate from the purpose of the post. Dreams… Ahem… Just because our president asked us to dream; I am here to bug you.

I am flying in an aero plane to be more precise I am flying it and it gets hijacked and the person who hijacks the plane come and orders me to direct plane to Swiss [ A place I love to go]. I simply thank the hijacker and went on tour. Passengers???? Rest???? Grrrr my mom woke me up at this point. This is the only dream I remember so well.

And one more..... I dreamt of swimming in Niagara falls and I even heard the sound of water. It was so realistic I woke up [luckily] to find my bathroom tap open.

There is one common and periodical dream!!! Periodical because it comes exactly during exams

Yeah you got it right. And the paper I always fail in my dream is Probability and Statistics.
And normally I sleep very peacefully or as my friends say sleep too soundly [That doesn’t mean I snore]. I can sleep through and earth quake. So dreams… Sorry No time for it.

P.S: Short post after a long time.


Manoj said…
hijacks the plane come and orders me to direct plane to Swi-t-z A place I love to go

Switz??? oh ic ... perhaps a country in ur next street :D

so howz u buddy??? long time no c... and i'm jus peeping into ur blog after a long time...
Janani said…
These days I end up in making typos and you peep in exactly at the right moment and point them out.

Thanks :-)
Serendipity said…
:P no i wont smack ya :D i might have just pained ya with a bigger tag - like the painful 50 :D

I dreamt of swimming in Niagara falls and I even heard the sound of water. It was so realistic I woke up [luckily] to find my bathroom tap open.
Rofl damn realistic :) reading too many novels ( hijack dreams:P)

and u too had a paper fail dream :D yaay one more company :D

and yeah I still dont know the chief guiest's name:|
Jaggy said…
@ Janani

Don't lie that u don't snore...

@ Janani & Harini

Heard he is some senior person in IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Unknown said…
I pity our president for asking us to dream. Had he seen this post i bet he ll never say us to dream. but one thing i liked about this post is that atleast in ur dream u failed in exams...i am happy about that.. :)
Phani said…
Cool..interesting blog
Unknown said…
Why on the earth is everyone posting abt dreams.. One major reason why India is not developing is because of this..President advocates every one to dream and every one follows it.. no one works..

"Sapne kabhi sach nahi hote!! Kaam karna padtha hai"
Janani said…
Agreed. But the hijack dream was when I saw AirForce One movie.

Thanks for the information about cheif guest.

Agreed right. I know how many souls out there are feeling bad about it right at the moment they read my post.

First time to my blogsville :-)
Welcome here. I have been a regular visitor of your blog. Yeah through chaithanya's blog.

And thanks

सपने ज़रूर सच होती है भैया पर उसे कामयाब करने केलिए कुछ वक्त देना पड़ता है |
Syam said…
nalla velai swiss bank la poi money eduthitu vara maathiri dream varalaye :-)
Raju said…
Firstly, Congrats on ur Convocation!!

LOL on ur dreams.. Tap water becomes Niagara-va? Appo dhinamum Niagara falls-leye kulikkalamey.. :)

Even I sleep very solid, but I get dreams.. may be u skip the dreaming phase and straight go to the deep sleeping mode? Lucky you, as many others would acknowledge..
wizard said…
Oye your requirement of 10 comments are done now post the next one .. hehehehe
Unknown said…
Dream on becoming successful that will become sach.. not dreamin of tap water becoming Niagra.. Mind you it wont be even your Kaveri ;)
Seshadri said…
hey..just now i said abt 17 comments and the next post..and u suddenly "woke up"(pun intended :))..me 2 had a very scientific dream this sunday afternoon..aana atha patthi sonna inga ellarum adippa :)..
PC said…
nallathe blog like mine,
radiantbear said…
New postu podu ma.

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